Some of the processes i have learned from
Though i have a bit of formal education, i do not believe that success can be taught in the classroom. Being book-smart is different from being street-smart. Most people can read a book and pass examinations but only few people can develop, grow and profitably run a commercial application. Think about it, how many software developers know how to code because they went to school? Very few. Most people taught themselves even after reading it as a course in school.
My opinion is that profits are made on the street and not in the classroom. Because i want to always be a profit maker and not just a profit spender, i make myself available to street education by learning-through-doing. I try many ways to get a problem solved. I have failed many times and i have gained many more times. Though i fail in some, i seek perfection in all i do which has kept me focused.On the street,I learned how to turn ideas/problems into codes, codes into secure & user-friendly solutions and solutions, into products that users can depend on.
So far, i think my biggest lessons from the street are: