Some of the responsibilities i have handled.
World's first opportunity supermarket,where users can sell/buy anything,search jobs,projects,distributorship,franchise opportunities around the world,post events,showcase talents etc., all at zero commission.Sancoj platform also accepts both fiats and cryptocurrencies & has a career success prediction agent called ZINGO (i.e my firstname, turned upside down),powered by Artificial Intelligence.
My Responsibilities: I lead the development team and head product management(in-charge of strategies & project management).I also code full-stack on the project. The vision came from my experiences in life and i started researching, sketching and prototyping the idea which as a team, we made the beta version and released it to the public on April 17 2018 to August,2019 for testing.Sancoj has its own ethereum blockchain based token which has been transacted approximately 31,000 times in Exchanges around the world and i was responsible for doing all the blockchain work & generating the token using solidity based smart contract.I also handled the development of our token distribution smart contract.
Acheivements: From the beta version test, we currently have 70,000+ users awaiting the launch of the main platform. Our token is currently been held by approximately 30,000 people from different countries of the world. Click to see record. Sancoj has also been eradicating poverty by giving financial aids,drinking water,books,food items/clothing etc., to those in critical situations through Sancoj's policy to use part of its income for aids.These are achievements to me because we attained all these without funding, donations or investors.
Since Sancoj is all about creating opportunities at zero cost, we train people for FREE to become software engineers as a means of empowering them to escape from poverty,become self sufficient and even support others.
My Responsibilities: I teach HTML, CSS, JavaScript/JavaScript Frameworks & Django in a very simple manner for even the less literate to understand.
Achievements: Some of our students passed series of tests by World-class companies and have been successfully admitted into many prestigous programs like Google & Facebook Developer programs for Africa.
Commercial Software Consulting and Development Company based in Lagos and operates just in Nigeria.
My Responsibilities: I lead development team, code as full-stack engineer,manage products/projects/programs for Government,Local Companies & International Organisations.I also oversee the operational strategies of the company.
Acheivements:Empowering the company to handle complex projects and work with premium clients like Roche Pharmaceticals, Delta State Goverment, NNPC (Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation), Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria etc.
Same as above..
My Responsibilities: Business Analysis: Primary/secondary research of clients' businesses,their product market,competition,customer relationship channels, challenges and narrowing them down to possible development requirements.